Using the Power Supplies

Depending on the device you have, there may be one or more power supplies that can be accessed via the channels and nodes of the Analog IO module, which are documented in the WaveForms.


In order to output a voltage, most power supplies have to be enabled both individually and via the master enable switch.

For instance, to output 3.3V on the positive power supply of an Analog Discovery 2, you can write:

import dwfpy as dwf

with dwf.Device() as device:
    # Set the voltage of the positive power supply to 3.3V.
    device.analog_io[0][1].value = 3.3

    # Enable the positive power supply.
    device.analog_io[0][0].value = True

    # Enable the master-enable switch.
    device.analog_io.master_enable = True

Instead of the generic Device class, you can also use the specialized device classes, which simplifies the access to the power supplies.

For instance, to output 3.3V on the positive power supply of an Analog Discovery 2, you can write:

import dwfpy as dwf

with dwf.AnalogDiscovery2() as device:
    # Set the positive power supply to 3.3V and enable it. = True